How to Boost your Immunity?

Immunity booster can be of good use nowadays. As per the need of time and surroundings nowadays, being a healthy person has become essential to survive under various changes of weather and uprising new diseases. To survive and fight against these conditions, one has to boost his/her immunity to stand firmly against all of this. as per under COVID-19 conditions it is essential to eat immunity boosting diet and get immunity boosted. The mettle energy bar can be of good use under such situations. 

Need for Immunity

To boost immunity and remain healthy under all circumstances, there can be several ways to do so like following a healthy diet, keeping the body hydrated and exercising to keep the blood flow going or even taking an immunity booster. Some of these ways are necessary and can be done quickly, but some of them can be quite harder to follow and cope up. Due to these shortcomings, we ignore our body health and keep going with weaker immunity.  Weaker immunity can be a big ditch to all of the efforts which are done to keep the body in better shape. 

An Initiative by Swasthum

To relief this struggle, another energy bar has been brought up into the market to meet the requirements of the time by Swasthum. Mettle Energy Bar with immunity-boosting ingredients with the goodness and immunity boosting properties of Liquorice, Tulsi, Ginger, Cinnamon & Curcumin. Provided with an excellent taste and an instant boost to immunity along with energy, this energy bar is a complete worthy package for everyone. Along with immunity, it also supports GUT HEALTH as immunity support ingredients are a great source of prebiotic fibre. Prebiotic fibre helps gut health by providing food for the probiotic bacteria that live in your gut to keep your stomach healthy and your body moving. Available in two different flavours – Mocha Hazelnut and Red Berries with White Chocolate provides better tastes in the sneaky peak in your busy life. Free from any kinds of artificial flavours and added sugars, these bars are entirely safe for everyone. mettle energy bars can be taken as a snack for boosting immunity on the go.

Available now on our website and also on at a price of ₹240.00 for a pack of 6 (35gm x 6) 210gm. 

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